Community Spirit at its Best

I hope many of you came to at least one of the two fantastic events held in Tidworth recently; the first Armed Forces Day and the Tidworth Town Festival.

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Community Spirit at its Best

Posted by Anna McIntyre

I hope many of you came to at least one of the two fantastic events held in Tidworth recently; the first Armed Forces Day and the Tidworth Town Festival. Both were blessed with good weather and the crowds turned up in their droves. It was good to see the community come together as one and enjoy themselves. It didn’t matter whether you were young, old or from whatever background; all were enjoying the events together. It was particularly pleasing to see the Nepalese community involved in both events as they integrate themselves into the wider community.

The Armed Forces Day was out of this world and plans are now afoot for an even bigger event in 2019, so watch this space! I would like to thank the Committee members for all their hard work and for taking up the call when I asked for volunteers to start an Armed Forces Day in the town.

The Tidworth Town Festival was the best so far. Lots to do and many great acts on stage. It was so nice to see such large crowds after the disappointment of the rain the previous year. The Festival was so successful, it may need to move location next year as it has almost outgrown the community centre field, which won’t be available in the next couple of years when the civic centre is built. I would like to thank the Town Council’s Community Engagement Committee, the Council’s staff and AJ Mayhew for organising such a fantastic event.

If you are interested in helping the community, why not consider being a Town Councillor? It is a rewarding role and you can get involved in all sorts of good things! If you are interested, then Email me at

I hope you have had a chance to enjoy a well-earned break over the summer!

Mayor Mark Connolly

Anna McIntyre
Anna McIntyre